In Magdalenian Footsteps

In Magdalenian Footsteps - Nocturne PodcastIn the Pyrenees of southern France, there is a cave containing some of the world’s most spectacular and deeply hidden secrets. To get there you must crawl on your belly through a long tomb-like passage, with your only light held between your teeth.

Will Hunt explores the deepest darkest places around the world.  An early obsession with finding lost treasures in his own neighborhood has led him to a discovery that goes much deeper than hidden artifacts.

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In Magdalenian Footsteps Credits

Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe. Nick White is our senior editor.

Will Hunt wrote, Underground: A Human History of the Worlds Beneath Our Feet. Find more information about Will’s work and adventures at .

Nocturne is distributed by KCRW, and receives support from KCRW’s Independent Producer Project, which provides resources to creative storytellers around the world.

Special thanks to Peter Smith, Alex Espinoza, Jeremy Cherfas, Herrin Hopper, David Green, Mary Jo Eyler, Marta Pelrine-Bacon, Tara, Chris Glover, Ashley Cummings, Benjamin Yeamans, Maria Samuelsen, Misty Lytle, Sleep with Me Podcast, Tara, Tim Harincar


Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling

Additional music:

Kent Sparling \\  Jeffrey Foster \\ Kid Otter

Episode ArtworkRobin Galante