Speak San Pedro

San Pedro - Nocturne PodcastThe night is a perfect canvas for magic. As both the inner and outer terrain transform into something less familiar, your mind opens, allowing spirits to find a place to land. The ancient Peruvian art of shamanism harnesses the mystery and power of darkness, and uses it to heal those who suffer.

Eduardo Calderón was a gifted curandero, or healer. He performed all-night ceremonies, with the aid of a psychedelic brew made from a night flowering cactus, to combat curses laid by witchcraft and sorcery.

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Speak San Pedro Credits

Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe.

Nocturne is distributed by KCRW, and receives support from KCRW’s Independent Producer Project, which provides resources to creative storytellers around the world. Thank you to Nick White.

Many of the sounds in this episode were drawn from the 1978 film, Eduardo the Healer, by Douglas Sharon and Richard Cowan. You can view the film here.

Thank you to the University of California, Berkeley, Media Resources Center for providing a digital copy of Eduardo the Healer.

Find more information about the work of Stephen Most and Douglas Sharon. Most’s 2017 book, Stories Make the World, is a fascinating read, and has an entire chapter dedicated to Eduardo Calderón.



Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling

Additional music:

Kent Sparling \\ Jeffrey Foster \\ Kid Otter \\ Darren Curtis \\ Kyron (aka JC Mendizbal)


Episode ArtworkRobin Galante

Special thanks to Peter Smith, Alex Espinoza, Jeremy Cherfas, Herrin Hopper, David Green, Mary Jo Eyler, Marta Pelrine-Bacon, Tara, Chris Glover, Ashley Cummings, Benjamin Yeamans, Maria Samuelsen, Misty Lytle, Sleep with Me Podcast, Tara, Tim Harincar