Tag: fear

The Night Self

Many of us have struggled with insomnia at various times in our lives. Annabel Abbs’ journey through insomnia led her to discoveries that completely changed her life. The Night Self Credits Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe Music Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling Additional music by Kent Sparling. Find Annabel Abbs at www.annabelabbs.com Episode art by Magdalena Metrycka Support Nocturne…

Henry 1

“Henry 1” is the Sonoma Country Sheriff’s Office helicopter rescue unit.  They’re available 24/7, and are one of the busiest programs of their kind in the country. They’re the only one in the country that does long line rescues at night. They’re super badass. Henry 1Credits Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe Music Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling Additional music…

Into Under Through Again

Nocturne is turning 10 YEARS OLD next month! In honor of this huge milestone, we are revisiting an early listener favorite, with a twist. It turns out, the night, with it’s hidden, pulse quickening, mystery, may not be something to triumph over, it might be something to savor. Into Under Through Again Credits Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe Music…

Nocturnalia - Nocturne Podcast


There’s a lot to be sad, stressed and upset about in the world right now. It’s important to give those things our focus and attention and action, but we also need to take the time to appreciate the world around us – the precious, beautiful, strange planet we call home.  There are gifts to be discovered in the darkness. Nocturnalia…

On the North Face - Nocturne Podcast

On the North Face

The U.S. Forest Service defines wilderness as having, “outstanding opportunities for solitude”. When Adam Danielson summited Mount Shasta, he got more solitude than he would ever want. On the North Face Credits Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe. Music Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling Additional music: Kent Sparling // Jeffrey foster // Kid Otter Episode art by Magdalena Metrycka Support…

The Nyctalops - Nocturne Podcast

The Nyctalops

Many sighted people envision being blind as inhabiting an endless night, but the realities of blindness are often much richer and more varied. Andrew Leland offers glimpses from the Country of the Blind. The Nyctalops Credits Nocturne is produced by Vanessa Lowe. Music Nocturne theme music by Kent Sparling Additional music: Kent Sparling // Jeffrey foster // Kid Otter Episode art…

In Shadow Places - Nocturne Podcast

In Shadow Places

Cristina Gil began her career as an architect in Colombia. As she worked and traveled, she started thinking about how lighting could be part of the solution to making cities safer and more inviting, specifically for women at night. An idea began to take form for a project, an initiative really – called The Night-Time Traveller. The mission of the Night-Time…

Dream Doctor

Dreams are often thought of as windows into the unconscious mind. Charles Mcphee made a career of interpreting people’s dreams on the radio as “The Dream Doctor”. When Rachel discovered the show as a kid, it became a different kind of window – offering strange and surprising insight into the world of adults. Dream Doctor Credits Nocturne is produced by…

Dream Walk: The Gate

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it would feel like to take a long walk through a dark, dark night, without fear. So, I decided to take myself on a walk like that, with you. This night feels strange and different. The darkness and the glittering bits of light are not as they usually appear, how they usually feel.

What Would You Do? - Nocturne Podcast

What Would You Do?

I rarely talk about the fact that I pretty much always feel hyperaware, if not nervous, when I’m out alone at night. I’m embarrassed to admit that. But I’m not alone. Hannah Drake asked the question, “What would you do out at night if you weren’t afraid?”, and the answers were illuminating.

Into the Wave - Nocturne Podcast

Into the Wave

Amanda and her husband went out on a guided nighttime kayaking tour for their anniversary. What they’d hoped would be a relaxing, romantic excursion into nature turned into something else entirely.


Pedram’s dog, KitKat, is the most important thing in his life – their close emotional bond is a source of comfort and delight. But this bond also comes with constant fear, because they live in Iran where dogs are considered “untouchable”, and the only truly safe place is in the dark shadows of the night.


Dvora has interacted with elemental spirits since she was a child.  She’s learned to set boundaries, so as not to be attacked or taken advantage of. Sometimes the elementals just want to talk, sometimes they need help,  and sometimes they’re the ones offering help.


Danny’s first skydiving experience set him on course to do something that most people would never dream of doing, something that for most people would actually be seriously terrifying, and for good reason.

This story is about something that is dangerous, illegal, and I don’t recommend it, AT ALL.

Nocturne is having a 30 day special offer on https://www.Patreon.com/nocturnepodcast ! Sign up to become a supporter at the $5 level or above and get all the existing benefits (including Night Light bonus episodes), AND I will send you a treat bag with Nocturne stickers and some other cool stuff.

The Same Stars

Grace felt everything deeply from an early age. She was having panic attacks at 9 years old, and separation anxiety in middle school. The anxiety came to a head when she was 12, and nothing she tried helped in any meaningful way. Until one night she looked out her window.

Notes in the Trees

Most parents would never consider leaving their kids in the dark woods at night, and letting them find their way back. The Dutch do just that, and they call it Dropping, and the kids mostly have fun.

86 Days

When Lia Ditton set out from San Francisco to row alone across the Pacific Ocean she was  confident that she would make it to Hawaii. But when you leave land, all you really know is that you’re going on an adventure.


I’ve been thinking about fear, and movement, and exploration, and safety. I’ve been thinking about barriers, and perimeters – those we create and those that are imposed. Pushing yourself into fear on purpose gives some comfort that maybe you’ll be able to navigate life when you really have no control, when your thrown into a darkness bigger and deeper than you would ever choose.

Fire - Nocturne Podcast

One Road Out

Alec had spent countless summer days near Mammoth Pool Reservoir, in the Sierra National Forest. His memories were filled with fun and relaxation. As Alec and a friend arrived at the lake the first night of the Labor Day Weekend, there was little to indicate that this weekend would be any different than the trove of happy memories he had of this place.