Tag: travel


Kim felt an irresistible pull toward life on the road – the traveler’s lifestyle, without schedules or responsibilities. Hopping freight trains and searching for places to sleep are now a thing of the past, but she still tries to hold on to the spirit of adventure and surprise she loved from that time.

Careening - Nocturne Podcast


Traveling at night as a passenger is an act of trust. As the sensations of movement lull you to the edge of sleep or beyond, you surrender to dislocation; disconnecting from place and time. The only constant is motion.  As your consciousness bobs up into the present moment, in the darkness you could be anywhere, or nowhere at all.

Catalogue of Nights - Nocturne Podcast

A Catalogue of Nights

In January I left my home for 6 months of wandering, and of course one of the main things I explored were the infinite shades of night in each new place. What I noticed more than ever is that every night is a finger print – each is unique, with no one the same as another. The sounds tell the stories.